Following the… Lamb?

The next day John again was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by he exclaimed, “Look, here is the Lamb of God!” The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. – John 1:35-37

How peculiar.

It’s not so startling for a shepherd to
be following a lamb in all
its wandering immaturity.
But for adults now seeking spirit,
for a growth developing within:
How is “Lamb of God” attracting?
How is “Lamb of God” inviting?
How is “Lamb of God” revealing?

Still, John the Baptist recognizing
Jesus (majesty concealing),
summoning disciples from his
gathering to Jesus’ circle
only just beginning, made
the “Lamb of God,” inspiring,
the “Lamb of God,” empowering.
So “Lamb of God”: now following.

How peculiar, and how right.

A poem/prayer based on John 1:29-42, the Revised Common Lectionary Gospel Reading for Year A, the Second Sunday after the Epiphany.

The image is The Baptism of Jesus by Michael Astrapas and Eutychios (ca. 1295 – 1317) – Own work, Public Domain,

3 thoughts on “Following the… Lamb?

  1. Such an interesting perspective, because I think we who interpret often to to Lamb as sacrifice rather than young as weak or immature. How very different it would be if this read “Here is the Ram of God.”

    • It’s a weird title for John to give Jesus. Among the Scripture writers, he’s the *only* one to use it. John of Revelation uses “lamb,” but not “Lamb of God.” Yet it really caught hold as Christianity developed. How?

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